Entries by Accurate Protection

We offer much more than business insurance

Let’s face it: Insurance is a vital part of running a successful business. But it’s definitely complicated and often frustrating. An insurance policy is a complex contract with difficult-to-understand fine print, including coverage limitations and exclusions. As a result, many companies are underinsured — leaving the future of their organizations to chance — or overinsured […]

The era of the hybrid office

Telecommuting grew in popularity during the pandemic out of necessity. And it helped limit the spread of COVID-19. But studies show that a post-pandemic, remote-only model doesn’t work all that well for many office workers — or their companies. In fact, research suggests that telecommuting benefits employees and employers when workers spend at least 40% […]

Risk management, made easier

Effectively managing your company’s risks is a complex yet critical part of operating a successful business today. At Accurate Protection, we help companies solve the risk management puzzle. We work directly with our clients to help identify risks and develop a smart approach to reducing or eliminating their exposures. In addition, our detailed, multi-part education […]

A quality risk management plan, made easier

Does your company have an effective plan to reduce on-the-job injuries and workers compensation costs, promote workplace safety and manage a wide variety of operational risks? It should. Accidents and incidents happen in all types of companies — not just those that have employees operating heavy machinery or working in construction. Nationwide, an estimated 4 […]

Common cyber security myths

Despite the growing awareness about cyber threats, many myths about cyber security still persist. Ready to separate fact from fiction? Here are some of the most common cybersecurity myths. Myth #1 — Too much security diminishes productivity. Some business owners worry that increased cyber security protocols will make it difficult for employees to access what […]

The benefits of developing a growth mindset

As a business owner, do you believe that your skills, intelligence and abilities can be developed over time? Or do you believe that your talents are mostly fixed, meaning that if you’re not really good at something now, you probably won’t ever be great at it? These are critical questions to ask yourself. That’s because […]

Is your business underinsured?

Small businesses face a variety of risks in today’s world. Unfortunately, many companies aren’t effectively managing those risks. Of the nearly 32 million small businesses nationwide, for example, it’s estimated that 75% of them have either not enough commercial insurance or no coverage at all. The official definition of a small business is a company […]

Strategies for reducing your E&O risk

Facing an E&O claim is a lot like an IRS audit. It’s time-consuming, stressful and something you really want to avoid. In today’s litigious business environment, it’s important to review some of the most effective ways to reduce your E&O risk as well as provide a strong defense in the event a claim is made […]