Entries by Accurate Protection

Hiring your next employee, made easier

The hiring process poses a number of risks to any organization. As a business owner, you have many legal responsibilities under federal employment anti-discrimination laws. You’ll also want to make sure you’re not asking prohibited questions or discriminating against a job applicant based on race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), […]

Simple steps can prevent many cyber attacks

Cyber attacks on small businesses and organizations are becoming increasingly common. It’s one of the top risks of doing business today. That’s why it’s so important to keep your company’s computer system safe and secure. Online attacks are costly to address. It’s estimated that 60 percent of small businesses and organizations fail within six months […]

Effective brainstorming, made easier

When was the last time your team or company had a successful brainstorming session? By “successful,” we don’t mean you were able to get side work done while everyone else tossed out a few ideas in hopes that they wouldn’t be loaded down with extra work. Did everyone leave the meeting encouraged and recharged or […]

The liability risks of remote workers

For many of us, working remotely is the new norm, and studies show most employees love working at home at least part of the time. Yet allowing employees to work at home can expose your company to risks that you don’t encounter when your workforce is physically located at your company’s facilities. At Accurate Protection, […]

Understanding your business, it’s what we do

As the owner of a business, it’s required by law that you have adequate insurance coverage for your assets and employees. Complying with all local, state and federal guidelines helps provide peace of mind and will ensure you avoid an audit or investigation should questions about your operation arise. Confident businessman posing at desk That […]